Head Balance Health

Rich of its medals (Gold Medal in the Concours Lépine Paris 2005 competition and Medal of the French Society of Sports Medicine 2007), the Head-Balance product combines the benefits of harmony, balance, beauty and above all the health. Without side effects or constraints, its use is considered as a natural aid against the numerous evils that can encroach on your life.


Gold Medal in the Concours Lépine Paris 2005

Medalist of the Société Française du Sport

The creation of Head-Balance is based on the following observation: the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint can be the source of many health problems such as: The repercussions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

  • Muscular tension (at the neck, shoulders and back),
  • Migraines,
  • Headaches,
  • Dizziness,
  • Neuralgia,
  • Effects on the thoracic and lumbar balance,
  • Bruxism *,
  • Tiredness,
  • stress or nervousness ...

Addressing these various symptoms in a comprehensive manner, the design and use of the Head-Balance tends to encourage the gradual disappearance of any contraction. Safe and highly accessible - both practical and financial, this device maintains your body's balance by prioritizing the proper functioning of your mouth joints and the balance of masticatory bodybuilding.

An invention supported by doctors

Since its creation, the Head-Balance device has proven its effectiveness to customers and doctors who recommend it. Do as health professionals do and judge for yourself the natural results of oral exercises with the device.

A device with many virtues

Do not hesitate to consult our other sections to discover the other benefits of the product on the muscular tension, the beauty of the face and the other health problems.

Study on the impact of an exercise session with the Head Balance® oral exercise machine on the mitochondrial activity of the oral cells (oxygenation).


Head Balance Health 

There are 2 products.


  • Muscle tensions

    Since its launch, the Head-Balance has demonstrated incomparable effectiveness in helping migraine sufferers headaches, snoring, vertigo, tendinitis, nocturnal bruxism ... So much so that the Head-Balance oral exercise machine Alfred Pfenning was the winner of the gold medal at the concours Lépine, international exhibition of the invention of Paris 2005. But the benefits of the product do not stop there: to reduce the muscular tension of the neck, shoulders and back, choose the Head-Balance solution!

    The importance of good chewing

    Some chewing muscles have an impact on the balance of the neck, shoulders, back or chest. An imbalance can then be the factor of appearance of tensions and compressions of the nerves and the blood vessels. It is in this context that our Head-Balance device comes into play.

    A revolutionary device

    After having studied the temporomandibular problem during the year 2000, Heilpraktiker Alfred Pfenning designed the Head-Balance to reduce the buccal imbalance and target the muscular tensions that are generated. His research has shown that these tensions favor the development of other ailments such as migraines and neuralgia. Easy to use, Head-Balance offers daily and short exercises that will have progressive and effective repercussions on the whole body.


    Learn more

    You want to reduce the muscular tension of the neck or your back? Nothing more simple: order our Head-Balance! For more information, contact us via our different interfaces: by phone, email or via our online contact form.

  • Migraines

    Made in France since 2003, Head-Balance is an oral appliance against migraine. Since its commercialization, the device set up by Alfred Pfenning, Heilpraktiker (German State Diploma) and postural balance trainer according to A.P., has not stopped proving its effectiveness.

    To fight against migraines, headaches and tinnitus

    Do you suffer from regular and recurrent migraines? Want to fight the buzz in your ears? Faced with these inconveniences, opt for the Head-Balance solution! This tip optimizes and regulates the gymnastics of the mouth.

    Based on scientific studies proving the correlation between the act of asymmetric chewing and head and neck pains, the Head-Balance invites to find a harmony through small daily exercises.


    A device with many virtues

    Do not hesitate to consult our other sections to discover the other benefits of the product on the muscular tension, the beauty of the face and the other health problems.

    Would you like more information about the use or price of our migraine mouthpiece? Do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the form available on the site. Otherwise, you can find our news on our official Facebook page.

  • Bruxism

    Although very busy every day, the masticatory muscles have reacted, like the majority of our muscles, to permanent over-activity: they become sensitive, even painful. Most people cringe or clench during sleep and / or during the day. In these people, the contraction of these muscles can be up to 20 times more intense than in people who do not do each other. This muscular hyperactivity, over time, can trigger symptoms such as headaches, muscle contractions in the shoulders and back.

    As a result, dentists often find excessive dental wear and joint problems in the jaw.

    * Offset bruxism or jamming of the jaws is very common and involuntary.

  • Tinnitus

    Russian researchers, met in Munich in the years 2002-2003 managed to contract the force of a tinnitus to contract a tympanic tensor muscle.

    Manually, we can have direct access to this muscle. We observe and deduce the return of Head-Balance users, whether it is balanced and relaxing masticatory bodybuilding, that many tinnitus diminish or disappear.

    Tinnitus is at bruxism * and has an imbalance of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or malocclusion

  • Snoring

    Since its inception, good results have been observed on the changes.

    Would you like to receive additional information on the use or price of our migraine mouthpiece? Do not hesitate to contact us by phone, by mail or via the form available on the site. Otherwise, you can find our page on our official Facebook page.

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