The thesis presented by Dr. Zag Zag in November 2012 (available on the internet), demonstrates the benefit of use for patients with post-radiation side effects * in curative or preventive. Good results are observed on the SADAM ** in addition to a gutter refocusing or repositioning after four to six months. These exercises provide important support for dentists in their daily work. Osteopathic work is often advisable. * Describes a pathological manifestation caused by radiotherapy (radiation disorders). ** algo-dysfunctional syndrome of the manducatory apparatus
Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, ChiropractorsOral exercises with the Head-Balance device is a great help for all therapists, as they consolidate and stabilize their work, relaxing and balancing bodybuilding through masticatory bodybuilding. You wish to obtain more information, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, by email or via the form available on the site. |
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